• Brown formally installed as 22nd Air Force Chief of Staff

    In remarks following the formal “Change of Responsibility” ceremony in which he took over from retiring Gen. David L. Goldfein, the 21st Chief of Staff, Brown acknowledged an array of people who influenced his life. Among them were his wife, Sharene, and his parents, as well as a list of Air Force

  • Air Force update for COVID-19

    In an effort to minimize the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 and to prioritize the health and safety of Department of the Air Force personnel, the following modifications have been made:

  • Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey helps civilians voice their opinions

    The FEVS is a government-wide, Office of Personnel Management administered annual survey that Air Force civilian employees have been participating in since 2006. The approximately 100-question survey takes 20-to-30 minutes to complete and is anonymous. The survey includes questions about employees’

  • Goldfein describes the future of the Air Force

    During the hour-long virtual appearance, the Air Force’s highest-ranking officer explained that the service has made progress toward high-priority goals that include all-domain, joint operations and adapting to meeting threats from near-peer powers.

  • Tricare Selected Reserve termination explained

    Office of the Secretary of Defense will allow members up to five months, instead of the original three-month period, to pay overdue premiums to have coverage reinstated and will honor any medical services and bills incurred during that time, once premiums are paid.

  • Final changes to Air Force song announced

    The announcement by Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein, completes a two-step process in which male-only references were revised to capture the distinguished service, the high standards, and central role that women play in every facet of the modern United States Air Force.

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