Squadron Information

Hours of Operation: 0800-1600
For all FSS related questions, please contact the MPF at 405-739-4047

Email: 507.fss.workflow@us.af.mil
Phone:  405-739-4047

Airman & Family Readiness
Email: 507.fss.workflow@us.af.mil
Phone:  405-734-6278

Civilian Personnel Liaison
Phone:  405-734-5363

Communication Flight
Email: 507cf.scbn.help@us.af.mil
Phone: 405-739-2922

DEERS/ID Cards (Appt only)
Email: 507.fss.workflow@us.af.mil
Phone:  405-739-4293
M-F: 0730-1200
UTA: 0730-1600

Education & Training
Email: 507.msf.dpmt@us.af.mil
Phone:  405-734-6672

Installation Personnel Readiness
Email: 507arw.xp2@us.af.mil
Phone:  405-737-7000

Wing Career Assistance Advisor
Email: 507.fss.workflow@us.af.mil
Phone:  405-734-7710

Sustainment Flight
Phone:  405-734-5532

UTA-Lodging email:
Email: 507.fss.fsv.lodging@us.af.mil
Phone (After hours): 405-417-6779

Email: 507fss.fsv.fitness@us.af.mil