The Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program
is a congressionally-mandated program that is intended to provide military reservists and their families a forum to gather information on the resources and benefits available to them before and after deploying. 

It's a way to reconnect with those close to you in a premium venue and at a location that has plenty of activities. It is simply a good-deal and you will come out knowing something you didn't about the resources available to you and your family.

Yellow Ribbon Details

If you received a call to Active Duty in support of a deployment for 75+ days or more, which resulted in separation from your family for the majority of the deployment, you are eligible to attend one pre-deployment event and two post-deployment Yellow Ribbon Events. 

The timeline for eligibility is as follows: You may attend a pre-deployment event up to 120 days before the start of your deployment orders and you are eligible to attend up to two events 365 days after your orders end.

You must be off your deployment orders to attend an event.

The typical event schedule is travel on Friday to arrive at the hotel for registration from 1500-1700, speakers and activities all day Saturday and Sunday morning, then travel home Sunday afternoon. All three days are duty days, but we always allow for family time on Friday and Saturday afternoon/evenings.

If you can take a few extra days off work, you are highly encouraged to come early or stay late and enjoy the local attractions. Airfare is generally covered regardless of when you travel. Please note, these are not duty days. Lodging is on your own, but the hotel will often extend the military rate outside the conference dates. Just as importantly, you must get permission from your military or civilian supervisor for leave/vacation time.

If you wish to attend, it requires a quick response from you. These events fill to capacity quickly and you don't want to miss out. Registration may close at any time.

NOTE: Yellow Ribbon will pay for two eligible guests. All DEERS eligible children count as one guest. However, single folks are planned for as well. There are programs specifically for singles at the event. Single members are allowed to bring two guests over the age of 18; such as parents, siblings, a roommate or fiancé. Think, "Who helped pay my bills and watched my stuff" while deployed. Those people may attend as your guests.

Upcoming Events

 June 17-19, 2022  Atlanta


Yellow Ribbon Representative

Representative: 2nd Lt Mary Begy

Phone Numbers
Office: 405-734-7207
Cell: 405-517-2971


Office hours
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
UTAs 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Office location
507th ARW Headquarters

Bldg. 1056, Basement
Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma