ON-FINAL NEWS BULLETIN – April 30-May 1, 2022 (Vol 42, No. 5)

  • Published
  • By Lauren Kelly
  • 507th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs

ON-FINAL NEWS BULLETIN – April 30-May 1, 2022 (Vol 42, No. 5)

(Click headline to follow link to story and photos)

Team Tinker leaders show support at OKC Memorial Marathon
Tinker Air Force Base senior leaders handed out medals to runners at the finish line of the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon April 24, 2022.

Okies 50th Anniversary Family Day to be held April 30
Family Day will be celebrated here at the Maintenance Hangar Bldg. 1030 from 1100-1500 (only cost will be food trucks and fundraisers) Family Day details: Live DJ, Lots of aircraft and vehicle displays, car show, cake walk, face painting, dunk tank, 3 bounce houses & an obstacle course for the kids and more.

Okies support flyover for American Airman, POW
The 301st Fighter Wing's 457th Fighter Squadron, an Air Force Reserve F-16 unit stationed at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, Texas, was proud to honor the military career of William “Bill” Aaron Gauntt (U.S. Air Force, Lt. Col., ret.), a Vietnam War POW, Monday, April 18.

Air Mobility Command reopens Space-Available travel

As of April 22, all restrictions on space-available (Space-A) travel have been lifted.

The Blueprint: Roadmap to Enlisted Force Development
The Blueprint serves as a foundational document to link enlisted development — from entry to departure. This new document is one of 28 Enlisted Force Development Action Plan (EFD-AP) objectives focused on developing tomorrow’s enlisted Airmen … today.

What's the "Dill"...
The Gerrity Fitness Center is excited to offer Pickleball at Tinker AFB to our awesome customers. We will be hosting a Pickleball Doubles Tournament on 15 April beginning at 0800.  The event will be played on our tennis court pavilion, located on the west side of building 6004 along McNarney Avenue.

507th ARW May Enlisted Promotions  

Updated Fiscal Year 2022 UTA schedule available


Annual Awards Celebration to be held April 30
The 2021 Annual Awards Celebration to recognize the hard work and accomplishments of our nominees will be at the Tinker Event Center 1630-2000 (Get your tickets now for only $20)

Uniform of the Day, Social Hour begins at 1630 – Ceremony starts at 1730
Reception and Live band afterwards

Tickets before 15 Apr - $25, last minute $30        
Purchase tickets for the Celebration at:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/507-arw-awards-celebration-for-2021-tickets-263555801497?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Ticket includes 1 drink and hors d’oeuvres!    

NOTE: All attendees to the events must be COVID vaccinated if eligible i.e. Children 5 & <.

Chapel services available on UTA Sundays
Chapel Service Date: Sunday UTA Time: 0715-0745, Location: Bldg 1094, 72nd MDG, Heritage Hall in the basement

Event: Chapel Service Date: Sunday UTA Time: 0730-0800 Location: 72nd APS Conference Rm.

Event: Catholic Mass Date: Sunday UTA Time: 0730-0800 Location: Bldg 1059, 507th Operations Group, Conference Room

Event: Bible Study Date: Sunday UTA Time: 0800 – 0830, Location: Bldg 1048, 507th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Conference Room

For more information, please contact the 507th Chapel Staff at 405-734-1912.

Rising 6 Meeting to host a kickball morale tournament June 4
The Rising 6 is a professional organization for Airman in the ranks of E-1 through E-6. Kickball Morale Tournament over the June UTA on June 4th @ 1600.  This event will take place at the Tinker Softball Fields.  Pizza and water will be provided at no cost.  A flyer is attached to this email to share with your Airman in your squadron.  Please use the Signup Genius Link in this email to sign up for this event whether you plan to play or plan to come and support.  We are looking forward to this event and are hoping for maximum participation! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4EAAAC22AAF9C25-507th?fbclid=IwAR1LKUKuQyQ1duCcnlyqU6aDcQs74BsbmYZE4tTFc7alztMVer9yeufbMOw
POC: Jennifer.spear.1@us.af.mil

Vanwey Dining Facility – Open for business






0600 – 0800


0600 – 1300


1100 – 1300


1600 – 1800


1630 – 1830



Due to social distancing requirements and minimal dine-in seating, the Vanwey Dining Facility requests your support in minimizing DFAC congestion by staggering customer meal times. The following schedule shows the suggested time-slots for customers:

10:30am- 507 MXS, 507 SFS, 513 AMXS, 970 AACS
11:00am- 507 CES, 507 LRS, 513 MXS, 513 OPS
11:30 am- 465 ARS, 507 OG, 507 OSS, 507 AMXS
12:00 pm- 507 FSS, 507 ARW, 507 MSG, 507 MXG
12:30 pm- 507 MDS, 72 APS, 513 ACG

Professional Development classes move to UTA Sundays

Motivated to do more and be more? Want to learn how to grow and develop yourself or your team? Know of current gaps in training?

Join us for our various training opportunities throughout the year to grow and professionally develop yourself!

2022 Professional Development Training Schedule​​, 507th Air Refueling Wing Auditorium, Bldg. 1056

Available via teleconference, just call 301-909-7357 and use access #: 247310745
POC: MSgt Megan Denman

May 1 @ 1000-1100

Education Benefits

Presented by: SMSgt Jacobs

June 5th @ 1000-1100

Counseling and Mentoring

Presented by: SMSgt Scoles

August 7th @ 1000-1100

Effective Communication

Presented by: Elizabeth Burgess

September 18th @ 1000-1100

Nutrition Training

Presented by: TSgt Grable

If you would like to get involved with the 507 ARW Professional Development Council, have any suggestions to improve the program, or have training topic suggestions, please reach out to any of the POC's below:​

​SMSgt Jeremy Scoles - MSgt Kurt Weisel​ - SrA Alyssa Perry​​​

Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Upcoming Events
The Yellow Ribbon Program is a congressionally mandated program that is intended to provide military reservists and their families a forum to gather information on the resources and benefits available to them before and after deploying.

Atlanta, GA 17-19 June 2022

For more information, contact the 507th ARW and 513th ACG’s yellow ribbon rep, 2nd Lt. Mary Begy at mary.begy@us.af.mil or at DSN: 884-5632 or cell: 407-517-2971

If you would like to submit information or photos to the On-final, email us at 507arw.pa2@us.af.mil.