• Nominations for Outstanding IR of the Year accepted until Mar. 22

     Nomination packages for the 2018 Outstanding Individual Reservist of the Year Award are due to your servicing HQ RIO Detachment no later than March 22, 2019.This award recognizes Individual Mobilization Augmentees and Participating Individual Ready Reserve members who distinguish themselves from

  • CY20 EDEB Invitation to Apply available online

    The CY20 Air Force Reserve Enlisted Developmental Education Board (EDEB) will convene 14-18 May 2019, at the Air Reserve Personnel Center, Buckley Air Force Base, Colo. The “Invitation to Apply” can be found here or via the myPers scrolling banner.The CY20 EDEB application process is accomplished

  • December newsletter for Individual Reservists now available

    The December 2018 edition of the Readiness Report newsletter for Individual Reservists is now available for digital download.The Readiness Report is the official publication of Headquarters Individual Reservist Readiness and Integration Organization and is published monthly to deliver news and

  • List of eligible AFSCs for CY19 IDT Travel Reimbursement released

    The list of eligible AFSCs for the CY19 IDT Travel Reimbursement effective Jan. 1, 2019 has been released. Download the list from here. The complete IDT Travel Reimbursement Guide that outlines the updated policy, procedures and mileage rates will be released in January of 2019.Significant Changes

  • IR Pay: Current and Future State

    At HQ RIO we are currently addressing some systemic and process problems that have impacted IR MilPay and Travel Pay for years.  Although some of the root causes are outside of our control, we are executing a plan to fix what is within our control.  For the past few years, HQ RIO has been on a

  • New Travel Offices Submission Process

    As of Oct. 15, 2018, submissions to the Reserve Pay Office (RPO) and Individual Reservist (IR) Travel office will no longer be accepted from email, AMRDEC, or fax.  All requests for action must be routed through MyPers at the following link: the Pay or Travel

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