• 72nd ABW holds change of command ceremony

    The 72nd Air Base Wing held a change of command ceremony July 17, 2023. Col G. Hall Sebren, Jr. relinquished command to Col. Abigail L.W. Ruscetta in a ceremony presided by Lt. Gen. Stacey T. Hawkins, Air Force Sustainment Center commander. Ruscetta previously served as the vice commander of the

  • Tinker Air Force Base tightens COVID-19 guidelines

    With the continued rise in COVID-19 cases in the state and surrounding counties, the installation commander has implemented additional policy and tighter restrictions for on-base gatherings and events. “The health and safety of Tinker members remains our highest priority,” said Tinker Installation

  • New tool enhances AF safety inspections, assessments and evaluations

    A new module has been launched through the Air Force Safety Automated System on May 17,2018, arming safety professionals Air Force-wide with a single method to document and track both spot and annual inspections, as well as safety assessments and evaluations at a local and enterprise level.

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