Commentary Search

  • Goodbye but not forgotten

    TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- It is with some sadness and much pride that I write this message today as my last day as the Public Affairs Officer for the 507th Air Refueling Wing. I have worked with so many outstanding ‘Okies’ in my tenure here and I would like express my gratitude for knowing and

  • The Air Force core values and how we look at them

    Becoming the commander of the 72nd Aerial Port Squadron was one of the greatest opportunities in my life, as well as my career. Initially, I had concerns about how it would all work out, considering I was a finance officer cross-training into logistics.The answer came in the form of the Air Force

  • Leadership and overcoming obstacles

    Being in my position, I have witnessed some absolutely wonderful scenes of Airmanship and unity. Unfortunately, I've also witnessed some awful scenes of when leadership, supervisors and Airmen had little to no concern for their jobs or others. I often ask myself why this is.

  • Effective leaders embrace change

    TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- There is a quote from a wonderful first grade teacher I worked with for several years who encouraged her students to attempt tasks that they found challenging. She wanted to teach them that it is better to try and fail than to never attempt anything. “If you can’t

  • Deployment 101

    TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- Earlier this month, I had the privilege of witnessing deployers from the 507th reunite with their loved ones at the end of their deployment. My wife was a key spouse, and she provided information and communication to families to ensure a smooth transition for

  • The building blocks of teamwork

    TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. --  In civil engineering we are a small knit community and like any family, it takes work to make us functional. I believe the focus of our work is in honesty, trust and support. These building blocks are what bring us together and help us thrive.    When I refer to

  • 'Service before self' doesn't change with rank

    The freezing temperatures continued to drop on a cold January afternoon at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, as I stood with my fellow cadets at Officer Training School (OTS). As a former enlisted member selected through the Deserving Airman Commissioning Program to become an officer, I was honored

  • Preventative maintenance is not just for aircraft

    Preventative maintenance is defined as maintenance that is regularly performed on a piece of equipment to lessen the likelihood of it failing. Preventative maintenance is performed while the equipment is still working to ensure that is doesn’t break down unexpectedly.

  • Going out on a limb

    It has been said that in order to succeed we must go out on a limb, because that's where the fruit is. As a little girl, I didn't take chances. I was terrified of climbing trees. My feet were firmly planted on the ground, while my neighborhood friends pretended to be cats, bounding from branch to

  • Change as a constant

    It seems with each passing day some new change jumps out in front of our Air Force lives. The current budget, global threats, a changing force and Total Force Integration are just a few that come to mind. You can walk down just about any hallway and hear the conversations about how this or that is