Resident "Okie" takes command

  • Published
  • By Maj. Jon Quinlan
  • 507th Air Refueling Wing

TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. - Col. Douglas E. Gullion took command of the 507th Air Refueling Wing here April 2, 2016, at a ceremony presided over by Maj. Gen. John C. Flournoy Jr., 4th Air Force commander.

Gullion served as the 507th Operations Group Commander here for 18 months before taking command of the wing from Col. Brian S. Davis.

Flournoy highlighted the high-level of operational and leadership experience coming from the wing’s new leader, who will lead the largest Air Force Reserve Command flying wing in Oklahoma. “He’s now leading the best team, right here in the 507th,” said Flournoy. “He is bringing a lot of expertise in industry, building teams and working processing projects. He is a really, really smart guy.”

Gullion graduated from Purdue University in 1983 and went to work as an electrical engineer in the automotive electronics industry. He entered the Air Force Reserve in 1987 and received his commission through USAF Officer Training School.  

Gullion expressed his excitement about taking command of the 507th ARW Okies. “I’ll show up with my coffee pot, with a spring in my step and a smile on my face,” said Gullion. “And I will do what I can to help you with your personal and professional goals. I know if we take care of all that, missions and inspections are all going to take care of themselves.”  

Gullion became an Air Reserve Technician and served in various leadership positions at the flight, squadron and wing levels at Grissom Air Reserve Base, Ind., before arriving at Tinker AFB. He has deployed six times in support of Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Allied Force, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. He is a Command Pilot with more than 6,500 military flying hours.

As the change of command ceremony concluded, Flournoy gave the new wing commander some words of encouragement.

“Every one of these people in this room are going to help you be successful,” Flournoy said to Gullion as he gestured toward the audience of Airmen and distinguished visitors. “I guarantee it.”