507th Security Forces; always ready

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Charles Taylor
  • 507th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs
While force protection levels fluctuate and new threats arise here and overseas, Reservists in the 507th Security Forces Squadron remain ready to answer the call and protect the forces behind the scenes every day.

These defenders take the responsibility of protection seriously, whether it's manning the gates, training on their primary weapon or prepping for a deployment.  No matter the job, security forces are the first line of defense in the event of an attack.

"Every one of these guys put themselves in harm's way," said Chief Master Sgt. Jason Garner, chief enlisted manager of the 507th SFS. "You just accept the fact when you go to work; there is a chance you won't come home that night. We carry that burden all the time."

Keeping up with changing threats requires constant monitoring. To stay up-to-date with what's going on Security Forces train for real-world situations frequently.

"The only thing we can do is continue to get better at thwarting attacks," Garner said. "It's a constant cat-and-mouse game to figure out where they are going to hit next...we are always ready."

Being a part of a defense career field can mean deployments away from home depending on mission requirements. A fire team member in the 507th SFS, Staff Sgt. Brian Fell, says it helps to have the support and understanding from families when they are called away for duty.

"For a lot of the senior members, their families understand a little bit more with age," said Fell. "That makes it easier the longer you're in."

Manning is critical to support the functions and jobs within Security Forces. There are currently vacancies and opportunities to serve in the field.

Reservists interested in joining the career field are eligible for an enlistment bonus of up to $20,000 for a six-year enlistment, and prior service Airmen interested in in retraining into the field are eligible for a bonus of up to $15,000.

Whether they are training on new procedures or teaching a K-9 to search for unauthorized items at the gates, the members ensure Airmen safety. Reservists can rest easier knowing the 507th SFS is on the job.