TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- Greetings Okies! If you want to know a little about me, then keep reading. If you would rather spend time viewing TikTok then scroll on. I will just fill out the Hurt Feelings Report at a later date.
My story can be summed up in a few sentences. I have a wife of 16 years with a 12-year-old daughter who is going on 28 years old. I have two cats named Fig and Pretzel. Naming the cat after food items was unintentional but we did name our previous cat Taco, so you can draw your own conclusions our family.
I have lived in the St. Louis, Missouri, area for about 13 years. What I love most about St. Louis is the small-city feel and the abundance of family-friendly activities in the area.
Here are my sport teams in no particular order:
NCAA Football - Notre Dame (and now, leaning toward Oklahoma State University)
MLB - St. Louis Cardinals
NFL - Arizona Cardinals (This team has a history with Illinois and St. Louis)
NHL - St. Louis Blues
Futbol - Arsenal F.C.
My personal goal is to become six feet tall. Actually, I should have goals that are reachable, like the top shelf of a cabinet. Sorry--short joke on myself. I strive to do what is right, build relationships, keep a level head, give out trust, and live a life of character and principles. I look forward to meeting each one of you. Let's have the best time getting after what matters most--Taking care of our Airmen and crushing our mission!