ON-FINAL NEWS BULLETIN – March 5, 2021 (Vol 41, No. 3)
(Click headline to follow link to story and photos)
Okie Airmen receive initial COVID-19 vaccine
More than 250 Reservists and civilians in the 507th Air Refueling Wing, 513th Air Control Group and 10th Flight Test Squadron here voluntarily received the first of the two-part Moderna COVID-19 vaccine Feb. 7, 2021, during the February unit training assembly.
PT test pushed to July, updates to scoring, physical components ahead
Physical fitness assessments will now resume for Airmen on July 1, 2021. Testing was initially delayed from October 2020 to April 2021 to ensure the health and safety of Airmen during the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure social distancing practices remained in place. When assessments resume, the three-component fitness test (1.5 mile run, 1 minute of pushups and sit-ups) will be reset with scores calculated on a new three component scoring table. In addition, work is underway to separate scoring into five-year age groups as opposed to the previous 10.
Tanker Talks: Reserve wing commander discusses Citizen Airmen, Total Force on podcast
Col. Michael Parks, 507th Air Refueling Wing commander, sat down with Tinker Talks March 1, 2021, to discuss the Okies and what it means to be a Citizen Airman. Parks, who took command of the U.S. Air Force Reserve unit at Tinker Air Force Base in November 2020, is the first active duty member to lead the Reserve wing here.
Department of the Air Force to allow shorts for maintainers, updates variety of uniform options
Airmen and Guardians will now have more dress and appearance options with upcoming uniform changes to Air Force Instruction 36-2903, Dress and Appearance.
Defense Contract Management Agency conducts first flight with Okies
An F-35 Lightning II from the Defense Contract Management Agency conducts its first flight and first tanking with a KC-135R Stratotanker from the 465th Air Refueling Squadron, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, Feb. 24, 2021. Once fully tested this F-35 will join the fleet at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska.
Air Force finalizes PT uniform design; will begin production process
After numerous tests and feedback from Airmen around the world, the Air Force Uniform Office has finalized the design of the new Physical Training Gear (PTG) uniform, and is preparing to begin the production process.
Oklahoma Governor visits Okies
The Honorable J. Kevin Stitt, Governor of Oklahoma, the Honorable Brian Bingman, Oklahoma Secretary of State and the Honorable Brenda Stanley, Oklahoma State Senator, visited the 507th Air Refueling Wing, here Feb. 5, 2021.Col. Michael Parks, 507th ARW commander, led the tour through various areas of the wing.
VIDEO - First sgt. opportunities available in the 507th ARW
Looking for an exciting opportunity, new challenge, or ready to step out of your comfort zone? The 507th and 513th is looking for highly motivated leaders that are ready to take their career to the next level. First Sergeants are placed in squadrons across the wing, outside their career fields, work directly with Command staff and at the tip of the spear supporting our airmen. If you are up for the challenge, fill out the application package! See your immediate First Sergeant for more details or questions
Requirements at a glance: 4 week in residence course Maxwell AFB (1 year from selection to attend); 48 month retainability to attend Academy; MSgts or TSgt immediately eligible for Master
Current openings:
Future Projections:
465th ARS
513th MXS
35th CBCS
507th OSS
507th MDS
507th MXG
Department of the Air Force Leaders direct second IG Disparity Review
The review follows the department’s 2020 Racial Disparity Review released in Dec. 2020 and expands its focus into three additional racial categories (Asian, American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander), gender, and one additional ethnic category (Hispanic/Latinx).
Behind the Braids: Reservists play key role in first women’s hair policy change in 70 years
Reserve Citizen Airmen have been instrumental in helping bring about the first major change in the Air Force’s women’s hair policy since the late 1940s
CSAF talks COVID operations, diversity and inclusion, readiness with Reserve senior leaders
COVID-19 operations, diversity and inclusion, and the readiness posture of 70,000-plus Reserve Citizen Airmen were the main topics of discussion when Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. met with Air Force Reserve Command senior leaders at AFRC headquarters here Feb. 8.
507th ARW March enlisted promotions
Fiscal Year 2021 UTA schedule available
Messages from Air Force Leaders
My four Action Orders are designed to deliver on Accelerate Change or Lose. The second, Action Order B (Bureaucracy), calls on all Airmen to look at internal barriers to change and deepen the agility we need to maintain our advantage in an increasingly competitive environment.
I recently visited several bases and saw how empowered, multi-capable Airmen are driving the common sense changes required to deliver on our promise to the Nation. Airmen were less constrained by burdensome processes and were more comfortable taking action to improve operational effectiveness than ever before. Innovative, unleashed Airmen found creative ways to leverage resources such as refueling an MQ-9 from a fuel bladder in the back of a C-130; conducting hot-pit refueling and crewmember hot-swaps with KC-135s; and developing the ethical construct for employing artificial intelligence. Impressively, Airmen have also stepped forward to take action in times of need. They fought forest fires in California, are responding to aid American’s impacted by the on-going winter storm, and are preparing to “put shots in arms” in the fight against COVID. Airmen asked the hard question of, ‘Why?’ and their leadership courageously responded with, ‘Why not?’ These Airmen were not afraid to try bold ideas that may not initially be met with success. Adopting this mindset across our entire force – in both operational and support roles – will allow us to protect the Nation well into the future.
Organizational structure is necessary, but we need Airmen who can cut through slow, ineffective processes and accelerate positive change. Understandably, friction arises between maintaining rigorous checklist discipline and experimenting with new ideas. Fast and innovative does not mean makeshift and chaotic – responsibility goes hand-in-hand with empowerment. It does require the courage to respectfully question the status quo, assess risk, and take action while learning from setbacks and failures on our way to successes.
As multi-capable Airmen, you will shape the future of our Air Force. I provided my intent and expectations to your Wing Commanders. They have been charged with empowering Airmen at all levels while stepping back to allow you to do what you do best. The United States Air Force is the best in the world. We need your innovative ideas to stay on top. Be bold – take the initiative. Together we will Accelerate Change! As always, I’m proud to serve alongside you.
General, USAF
Chief of Staff
Airmen and Guardians,
We took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The vast majority of us – whether active duty, guard, reserve, or civilian – spends every day upholding our Nation’s laws, policies, and standards. However, there is a small subset who fall short and are eroding the respect our Nation’s citizens have for its military. We have a responsibility to defend the Nation for all Americans.
While the First Amendment of the Constitution recognizes freedom of expression, it is our obligation to stand against extremism, as we should with anything that threatens to undermine good order and discipline, trust, and our culture of respect. As Secretary of Defense Austin said, extremism “has no place in the military of the United States of America.”
The Secretary of Defense directed a stand down to focus on this topic. Commanders and Senior Enlisted Leaders will engage Airmen and Guardians in conversations about the threat extremism poses to the Department of the Air Force, our Nation, and our democracy. Supporting guidance on this stand down and helpful tools will be made available no later than 23 Feb 21. In addition, the Department of the Air Force will conduct a comprehensive assessment of this issue – we encourage your input on the conversations and our assessment.
John P. Roth
Acting Secretary of the Air Force
Vanwey Dining Facility – Open for business
Operating Hours – No Dine-in Service …. Carry out ONLY
0600 – 0800
0600 – 1300
1100 – 1300
1600 – 1800
1630 – 1830
Due to social distancing requirements and minimal dine-in seating, the Vanwey Dining Facility requests your support in minimizing DFAC congestion by staggering customer meal times. The following schedule shows the suggested time-slots for customers:
10:30am- 507 MXS, 507 SFS, 513 AMXS, 970 AACS
11:00am- 507 CES, 507 LRS, 513 MXS, 513 OPS
11:30 am- 465 ARS, 507 OG, 507 OSS, 507 AMXS
12:00 pm- 507 FSS, 507 ARW, 507 MSG, 507 MXG
12:30 pm- 507 MDS, 72 APS, 513 ACG
Recruiting is looking for volunteers
Staff Sgt. Marcus Walker is looking for Airmen interested in giving an inside look at their drill experience to help paint a picture to future Reservist about what a typical drill weekend looks like. Interested parties should contact SSgt Marcus Walker at marcus.walker.9@us.af.mil
Automated Lodging Registration System is now online
FSS excited to inform you that the Automated Lodging Registration System (ALRS) mobile app is now online to make lodging reservations and cancellations for primary UTAs. Currently, rescheduling lodging via the app is not possible.
If you are currently registered in ALRS with your cell phone number, you will receive a text message Oct. 23 with instructions to enroll in the mobile app, but it is recommended users set up the app in advance to ease the process. The app is available for download on Google play store for android users and the app store for Apple users. Finally, if you make your reservation in ALRS Mobile do not use the dial-in if you require a change or cancellation.
If you have any issues downloading the app or additional questions, please contact MSgt Celeste Fletes at: 405-734-5532
or 507FSS.FSV.Lodging@us.af.mil
Yellow Ribbon
Yellow Ribbon is virtual in March
RPA Orders at home
March 20-21
Contact MSgt Katie Johnson for more information
Register @ https://www.yellowribbon.mil/events/registration/rVaf-SI2FVjptFX6Rgftgv11q4LzpY9d9Z0ox8u-chgvLNjW5DyTL9DfYf2NGJ_hlQKjHZ8H455YYdwuI1kTzFYBmFqlvtf0tUzLgZHvX9fCLKfA6vyQAqRNTHU/new
If you would like to submit information or photos to the On-final, email us at 507arw.pa2@us.af.mil.