Farewell Okies, It’s been an honor and privilege serving with you

  • Published
  • By Col. Russell Muncy
  • 507th Air Refueling Wing Commander

It has been an honor to serve with you. This is the best wing in AFRC and its all due to your efforts to make this unit the best it can be. Bringing our guard and reserve members together to form "Team Oklahoma" was an amazing accomplishment that set the bar for all future Air Reserve Component associations. I have learned a ton from you all and will take those lessons with me as I depart for California. One thing I would like to stress on my way out is that YOU make the difference each day, no matter what situation the wing is in. Whether it's Operational Readiness Inspections or fiscal austerity of the budget, the members of this unit have persevered and you have made the unit shine through it all.

I am proud of all this unit has accomplished. We hit a home run last year setting the bar for all ARC associate wings during our 2012 NORI/ORI, excellent all the way! The 507 and 137 Air Refueling Wings performed our inspections flawlessly as a single, seamless unit.

We excelled through multiple deployments providing reservists to multiple theaters of war supporting Operations Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom and New Dawn. Our maintenance teams continue to put up some of the best mission capability ratings in the Air Force. Also, we excelled in exercises such as Global Thunder and RIMPAC.

While we have had many successes, we also have had many challenges. The two rounds of furloughs, reduced budget and government shutdown have been tough issues for you and your families. The reduction of our aircraft has also been difficult as we move ahead. Through all of this I have seen you persevere, take care of each other and take care of the mission. That is what makes this unit so amazing; you succeed despite these tough challenges.

As you continue under new leadership here in the 507th, remember that change will always come but what you bring to the unit is far more important that any changes down the road. You make the mission happen, you support your team, and you make the Okies successful. Again, it's been an honor and a privilege to serve with you.