TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- Whether you know it or not, you are a recruiter. We all are recruiters. Every day you wear the uniform, talk about your job in your community, or visit your children's school you are highlighting the Air Force. It may be a story you told your son's friend years ago or a discussion you had with a neighbor who refers a friend to you because, you are in the Air Force. Bottom line, possible recruits are looking at you. As reservists we know we are highly experienced and bring a lot to the total force. We also know that we want to surround ourselves with experienced, highly professional Airmen in our work centers. So it's up to us to recruit that next generation of Citizen Airmen. Go out there and recruit someone that you believe will be a great asset to the Air Force Reserve. Then go to the Get1Now (www.get1now.us) referral website and log your submission. Not only will you bring AFRC a talented recruit but you also will get an incentive if your submission leads to an accession in the Air Force Reserves. Good for you and AFRC. Our boss, General Jackson wants us all to participate to help strengthen the Air Force Reserve. Here is some of what he said.
"Fellow Citizen Airmen, The Air Force Reserve recently relaunched the Get1Now referral program. This program enables you to submit the names of quality individuals for consideration into the Air Force Reserve," said Lt. Gen. James Jackson, commander, Air Force Reserve Command. "I need your help to find talented men and women who wish to serve in our Air Force Reserve. Your referral can be a friend, relative, co-worker or even a neighbor. Additionally, if your submission leads to an accession, then you can receive an incentive award. Together, let's work to find the next generation of Citizen Airmen."
So go to the website and submit info on you possible recruits. If you have questions, please contact any of our highly professional recruiters under the lead of Senior Master Sgt. Kenneth Toon.