507th Air Refueling Wing hosts Individual Ready Reserve Muster

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  • 507th Air Refueling Wing
The 507th Air Refueling Wing will conduct an Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Muster on June 4, 2011 at the Tinker Club to screen and certify more than 150 IRR members.

IRR members are mostly military personnel who no longer serve on active duty but have a military service obligation remaining.

All members who entered the Armed Forces on or after 1 June 1984 incurred, by law, a military service obligation (MSO) of 8 years. Members will be assigned to the IRR until they complete their MSO. Officers only, upon expiration of their MSO, will be retained in Reserve status unless they voluntarily resign their commission, meet the criteria for discharge, or qualify for transfer to the Retired Reserve. The IRR Muster Program ensures the Air Force can "reach out and touch" the IRR population when necessary.

IRR members may be ordered to return to active duty involuntarily in the event of war, national emergency, or as prescribed by the Secretary of Defense. Because of this potential mobilization, an annual screening is conducted is to gather and maintain personal contact information and assess the members availability for activation in support of a partial, total or full mobilization activation scenario.

According to Major Isobelle Mahoney with the 507th ARW's Force Support Squadron, the screening process consists of a medical screening, military identification card verification, talking with Air Force recruiters, verification of military insurance and beneficiaries, disability counseling by a Veteran's Administration representative, and variety of briefings regarding IRR participation benefits.

Wing officials state they have been planning and preparing the past 60-days to ensure all requirement s for this screening process will be met. The Muster usually lasts 2 - 4 hours and civilian clothing is worn. Participants will turn-in the paperwork and forms that were sent with their orders. Participants will receive a payment of approximately $176 for participating in the Muster.